Friday, October 10, 2008

4 Months Old!!

So I thought I would post this *a little* early since I probably wouldn't get a chance to post it until next week. My baby girl is almost 4 months old! I can't even believe that on Sunday she will be 1/3 of thw ay to one year. It seems like just yesterday I was finding out I was pregnant with her, and now here we are!

At 4 months of age, Ella can roll from her belly to her back. Rolling back to belly isn't quite there yet. She can push herself up off the floor while lying on her belly. She holds her head up really well now and loves to check out the world! She is a drooling MACHINE. She will chew on just about anything you put anywhere near her mouth! ha ha She will "talk" to us can hold entire conversations with her just repeating her coos, ga's and squeals to her. She just takes it all in! So far - she's kind of a mommy's girl still, but I am taking advantage of that because I know she will be her daddy's girl in no time!

We will be starting her on some rice cereal next week. We are keeping her on that until she hits 5 months, and then we will start the "real" food. I can't even believe we are going to have to bust out the highchair in a's gone by way too fast already!!!

For comparison purposes:





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